Welcome to Month by Month:

This blog is my own little version of organization central. We touch on just about every aspect of home, family, and holiday organization here. It is my hope that by blogging my experiences, I can grow as an individual and perhaps inspire others to try new things and think about everyday life a little differently. So please join us in organizing for life every month of the year!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Something to Think About

Thanks Chelle for the wonderful words about Month by Month over at Holiday Magic (the forums of Magical Holiday Home) And as so often happens....other people really make me think. It is your comment about Sunday being your day "off". I really love the idea. As everyone knows from my Weekly To Do List by Days....I sort of "take Friday off". But realistically I am just tired from a full work week by Friday and know I am not going to accomplish anything Friday evening!! LOL. Right now the idea of Sunday completely OFF is probably not realistic for me...but perhaps after I quit my part time private practice (the end of June)...I will have enough evening hours to redistribute the Sunday chores and have a whole day just to ME...well not really cause we have to eat but it just seems a lovely goal to work toward! Thanks so much for inspiring me to set an important life goal and work toward it....it also meshes nicely with my word for 2008 SIMPLIFY!!!

And I will once again state...that although you may pick up some tips here or there from me that work to make your life just a tad easier...I am also learning from each of you and am constantly inspired by other peoples thoughts, comments, ideas, and goals!!! Blogging is so much fun because of the wonderful people I meet along the way!!!

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