Welcome to Month by Month:

This blog is my own little version of organization central. We touch on just about every aspect of home, family, and holiday organization here. It is my hope that by blogging my experiences, I can grow as an individual and perhaps inspire others to try new things and think about everyday life a little differently. So please join us in organizing for life every month of the year!

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Power of Three

Haven't blogged in a while.... :) Life is like that.....always through things at you until time is sucked up into the black hole of what the heck!

I bought the best little planner/to do list from Current. Each page has a space to fill in the weekly calendar down the side and then a generous To Do List section and a Notes and Reminders section. It is about 51/2 by 71/2 and it has been working great for me.

I secretly call each daily section the "power of three" because under each of the days listed down the side are three spaces. Those are my three priorities or must dos for the day! Sometimes at least one is an appointment or phone call but everyday also includes a household item to do. I'll be honest...sometimes they get done and sometimes not....but if they are in the "power of three" slot its much more likely that they will get marked off.

I use the bigger "to do section" for other things that I'd like to accomplish that week....and the Notes and Reminders for just that...reminders....across the bottom... I pencil in Mon, Tues. etc under the title of Exercise and then if I manage to exercise that day...I use my highlighter to highlight the day's abbreviation.

It'a great size because I can slip it into my purse but it still has plenty of room for planning. In some ways it has taken the place of my Home notebook....it's so much simplier to use! And I don;t have the tendency to include everything under the sun in it.

I went back to buy another one and they didn't have the same cover design but I did manager to find one that has the same inside set up and a different cover....it could even be personalized so it says Ginger's Life. I like them so much that I'm going to keep an eye of Current and buy a few extra when I get a chance. They have pages for a little over a year....so I know I'm set though Novmeber of this year with my current one and then I have the new one for 2012. Since they are blank and you write the dates in you can start them at any time. :)

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