Welcome to Month by Month:

This blog is my own little version of organization central. We touch on just about every aspect of home, family, and holiday organization here. It is my hope that by blogging my experiences, I can grow as an individual and perhaps inspire others to try new things and think about everyday life a little differently. So please join us in organizing for life every month of the year!

Friday, February 1, 2008

January Personal Life Goals: A Reflection

The habit of setting monthly life goals started about four or five years ago as part of the boards of Organized Christmas. Some people set general goals but I found it useful to divide my monthly goals into "life categories". Here are the ones from January 2008 with a short reflection about each one.

Marriage: Spend more one on one time talking to DH's....honestly sometimes I just tune him out. For January I have made progress on this one. I find that sometimes I become easily frustrated with topics he chooses so I need to spend some time reminding myself that my interests or not always his interests or concerns.

Family: Have a special "fancy" sit down dinner at least twice this month...maybe on the test it days (with the new recipes) This has been going very well...we have been doing it every Sunday.

Friends: Check on dear friend who just had surgery. Her surgery went very well which is a blessing.

Self: Start exercise program...even just ten minutes daily.
Celebrate Me on the 15th.
Both parts of this one can be a struggle for me so this will get rolled over into my February goals for self.

Home: Stick to the JumpStart January PLAN.
Establish morning and evening routines and stick to them!
This is a work in progress but as long as I am moving forward I will consider it a success.

Work: Create "workable files" so I can find what I need.
Although I have made progress here, this is still an area that can reduce the stress in my life and needs to continue to be followed up with.

Hobbies: Find Creative Time Weekly. I have made progress with this goal and with my new challenge Write Daily 2008 I think I will continue to move forward. I am still working on my Artistic 8s in 2008 also.

Spiritual: Daily Devotionals.
I have made a lot of progress with this as I have two devotional books I keep at work. I can either start the day with one or if it's too hectic then I can read the daily entry at lunch.

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