Welcome to Month by Month:

This blog is my own little version of organization central. We touch on just about every aspect of home, family, and holiday organization here. It is my hope that by blogging my experiences, I can grow as an individual and perhaps inspire others to try new things and think about everyday life a little differently. So please join us in organizing for life every month of the year!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Frugal Friday: Coupons

Couponing has become the "in" thing right now, with extreme shopping. I have used coupons well before that show! In fact, I don't even watch the show. It's not real...stores don't let you take advantage of their coupon policies the way they do when they are taping the show. I also do not want to set up a huge storage area in my home for all this "stock". I know me. I'm not organized enough to use it all by the expiration dates etc. However last year I started couponing a bit more diligently and it has certainly paid off.

In general I save between 30-40% a week. Some good weeks or good items I save 50-100% on! The ebb and flow of my couponing is the same as life. During the hectic weeks between October-December I couponed less. Clipping coupons and organizing them takes time. The best deals can be found when you visit the couponing blogs...they do the work for you but reading blogs also take time. It's worth it BUT I'm just explaining why there are times I am off track! LOL

I have an organized coupon book and try to use it weekly. I get two Sunday papers and clip coupons through out the week while watching TV so I am all ready for my weekly shopping trip.  The internet is also a great source of coupons. My printer was down for a couple months so I got out of the habit of printing them but need to start doing so because here are some great deals out there! 

I've quite a stockpile of health and beauty products like shampoo, bodywash, toothpaste etc but it is dwindling. I haven't bought any of those items in MONTHS...so I need to be watching for some great sales and stock up again!

I wanted to share with you a couple GREAT sites to learn about couponing, to search coupon databases, and just read some good tips for getting the most for your money!

First my fave....from my neighbor (ok she lives three towns over from me but still on the interstate it's only about twenty minutes..lol)

I love her for several reasons. Number one since she is from my state and also quite close, most of the prices and deals she posts about are available to me! Number two she has a great coupon database. Number three she goes out and "tries" deals in the stores so she can report how it is all working. This couponing can get confusing so she's like a reference book for me!  And last but not least, she has saved me a boatload of money. I have gotten many FREE items using her advice, coupon and sale combo suggestions etc!

Find her site HERE and she also has a Facebook page so if you are on Facebook a lot like me the deals just pop up in you news feed!

The Krazy Coupon Lady is another good site. It's a little more commericalized with more ads etc but still she does alert me to a lot of great deals. She is not from my general area though so sometimes the prices or items are not available to me. Worth checking out though!

Another site: Coupon Divas offers great tips and alerts you to deals and weekly sales etc.

Ok, those are my favorite sites, I'm sure there are some others out there. My best advice would be to try and find one that is written by someone in your general area!

Happy Couponing!

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