Welcome to Month by Month:

This blog is my own little version of organization central. We touch on just about every aspect of home, family, and holiday organization here. It is my hope that by blogging my experiences, I can grow as an individual and perhaps inspire others to try new things and think about everyday life a little differently. So please join us in organizing for life every month of the year!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Move It Out Monday: Baby Steps

I have always heard that when you have a really BIG job that baby steps (or even just fifteen minutes a day) can help you reach your end goal. My personal problem is that those baby steps do not happen often enough and things build up again before I have even completed the job! While I do agree with the philosophy I will have to say that for REALLY big jobs like my garage....sometimes just jumping in and working like crazy through the whole thing works too. In fact does it not only works but it leaves you with a decluttering "high" that lasts for quite a while. I am currently dividing my basement into four sections and I plan to use this same approach with it also. However with my shoulder surgery today....best laid plans go astray....but I WILL get to it THIS year...before the end of 2012...that basement will be purged!!

So I would say if you are following the baby step approach and it doesn't seem to be working for you....I say try the Tackle the Big Job approach and see what you can get accomplished!

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