Welcome to Month by Month:

This blog is my own little version of organization central. We touch on just about every aspect of home, family, and holiday organization here. It is my hope that by blogging my experiences, I can grow as an individual and perhaps inspire others to try new things and think about everyday life a little differently. So please join us in organizing for life every month of the year!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hello December

"Hello December." What those words remind me of is panic. December is here, that adds a whole other list of things that need to get accomplished and quickly...Christmas is coming.

Now is not the time to be fretting about big de-clutter projects and home improvements. If you haven't managed to complete them in the last 11 months, you need to put them on hold for December. You are never going to survive this month without keeping up with daily chores and holiday prep. You can't have it ALL....not now...not this December. However if you keep working your plan, developing habits and routines, by next December, everything will be better (and easier).

I had to remind myself of just this yesterday. Take one day at a time and work toward your goal....a peaceful, joyful celebration of Christmas.  I'll keep working the daily plans, add in some fun elf-ventures (adventures), some parties, some outings, and lots of special memories. I might hope no one opens the door to the linen closet (didn't get to it yet)  That's ok....January is coming with snow and ice and time to regroup.

I've actually accomplished a lot in the last few months. It's not perfect and there's still plenty of things on my to do list for December...but I'll get there...one day at a time!

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