Welcome to Month by Month:

This blog is my own little version of organization central. We touch on just about every aspect of home, family, and holiday organization here. It is my hope that by blogging my experiences, I can grow as an individual and perhaps inspire others to try new things and think about everyday life a little differently. So please join us in organizing for life every month of the year!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday Morning Thoughts

It's Thirty Minute Thursday! Don't forget spend 30 little ole minutes today cleaning under your bathroom sink....if that's all sparkly give yourself a pat on the back but pick something else to spend 30 on!!!!

Balance: Today is also the time to think about balancing some things in your life. This is something I am not always good at....you know the "all work and no play" thing but ummmm....it tends more toward "all play and no work" ....LOL.....but seriously we have to temper our days with work, play, and relaxation to be a truly balanced, healthy individual....that's what being organized helps us do...so we have time for ALL three....sometimes I think this "whole house organized" thing is NEVER going to happen...but that's because I start thinking of it as an end product....never going to be and end product...it's always a process....there's always clutter, dust, and cleaning.

Recipes: I'll be back later today or this evening with a couple light and breezy summer recipes.

My personal goals: Everyone has personal goals and pitfalls. What are yours? Myself... I know a major pitfall is that I let a job "go" and things accumulate....like the basement...yikes...a little here and there would do wonders BEFORE it gets to be the twilight zone. One of my personal goals is to take care of the 101 little things that I keep saying I'm going to do...more about those later! Spend a little time today thinking about personal goals...unique for YOU...set two...and then examine your pitfalls...find one and think about how to avoid, correct, or minimize the impact it has on your life!!

That's it for now...I'll check in later today but I'm taking little Evan to the pool later...so maybe when he naps...it's Grandma Day today....and the little angel is sleeping late!!!


BloggyMom said...

Such a good entry!!! You have me thinking....

Trish said...

I found your blog and the Magical Holiday Home site through blog hopping (a favorite pasttime when I should be working) and I am so loving it all!!! This is a wonderful blog!

Ginger said...

Thanks Trish...it is so kind of you to say so!!!