Welcome to Month by Month:

This blog is my own little version of organization central. We touch on just about every aspect of home, family, and holiday organization here. It is my hope that by blogging my experiences, I can grow as an individual and perhaps inspire others to try new things and think about everyday life a little differently. So please join us in organizing for life every month of the year!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Working on the Month by Month Notebook

I accomplished some items I wanted to with the Month by Month Notebook today. I printed out calendars and put them behind each monthly section. I started filling in dates and deadlines for special days and for Countdowns that I know I will be doing. I'm also writing the Room of the Month at the top of each calendar page as well as the Declutter Focus for the month! These are not done but I hope to finish them up later tonight when things calm down around here a bit!

I am also reviewing my Yearly Plans for Rudolph Day and all the rest...most look like they will be a good fit for this year also BUT I am penciling in some changes...I'm not going to retype them but simply revise them by hand and then see how things so...figure I can get by with retyping them every two-three years instead of every year...SIMPLIFY!!! Same with the Monthly Magic lists...if there are simple changes I'll just pencil them in rather than copy and reprint...they are always on lone at MHH anyway so I can refer to them in several ways if necessary.

Some of the items I want in place for the WHOLE year...calendars, Room of the Month schedule, Monthly Magic lists etc....then there are some things that I will review quarterly...like event planning etc...some things can't really be planned out this far in advance. BUT last year I tried revamping and tweaking each month...and well....that didn't work very well for me.

So I've been able to mark several things off the Month by Month notebook prep for this month. In fact, once I get the items in place this month the notenook will be ready to rock and roll AND then I'll do a quarterly review at the end of March.

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